Monday, 10 June 2013

Carers week June 10-16 2013 (occasions)

June 10-16 2013 is national Carers week.

I (alison/tink) know from personal experiences just what being a carer, and being the person cared for, can be like, and feel like.

I saw and felt the pressures my mother went through being my carer until she got ill and died. And since, the pressures my father has been under.

I have seen how much of their lives, relationships, work, personal view, and much more, have been affected in consequence.

But I also know the value of being a care giver, because I know how much I truly value the tiny things I can do for others.

We at The Tinkerbelle and Hummingbird M.E. Blog applaud and hug every care giver and person who is being cared for, and we are always here for you all.

Best Wishes, Much Love and Blessings

The Tinkerbelle and Hummingbird M.E. Blog x x


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the hugs guys!

Alison once again you've zeroed in on a very significant topic.

The fact that you have full-spectrum experience in aspects of caregiving - a world some have zero knowledge of speaks to the value of your website.

Do unto others comes to mind.

I think one reason so many of us go without care is because M.E. can be such a Draining Monster.

Love and Appreciation

alison bell said...

dear anony-1.
hello again!
thank you so much for your comment.
yes, i so agree. actually being so ill can mean you can >>not<< cope with a care giver. which is so sad i feel!
you are most welcome for our hugs!
Thanks for being such a part of our arme!
much love
God bless x x